Greywater Systems
What is a Greywater System?
Under State regulations, greywater (or graywater) is defined as untreated wastewater that has not been contaminated by toilet waste or unhealthy bodily wastes. Greywater includes wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machines, and laundry tubs, but does not include wastewater from kitchen sinks or dishwashers.
A greywater system uses greywater for subsurface irrigation and may include tanks, valves, filters, pumps or other appurtenances along with piping and receiving landscape. Greywater should not be used in spray irrigation and should not be allowed to pond, runoff or be discharged directly into or reach any storm water system or any surface body of water. Additionally, greywater can not be used to irrigate root crops or edible parts of food crops that touch the soil.
Greywater System Installation
Our greywater system installation services include consulting, permitting, design, installation and maintenance. We have extensive experience installing greywater systems for existing homes and we will help you choose the best greywater system for your needs. Greywater is an excellent green source of irrigation water as long as it is released a minimum of 2” below mulch or soil as per the California Plumbing Code.
We always start with simple gravity fed systems, but we can work with complex irrigation and landscape demands as well. Give us a call today for a free quote on a greywater system for your home!